XYLEM Ventures

invested in fintech

10,000 hours

10+ years of {{ researching / listening / sourcing / iterating }}
AND {{ connecting / storytelling / interviewing / hiring }}
always operating with precision and care
enabling growing fintech teams
to scale, thoughtfully

Xylem ventures

v1. fintech headhunting + talent consultingv2. no-code operating system + ultra-efficient web 2.0 operating modelv3. global community of senior talent consultants + fintech enablers....

Fergus O'Brien

+ Born in South Africa.
-- Raised + educated in England.
+ Studied Lit. Hum. @ Univ. of Oxford.
-- Fintech recruiting for 10+ years.
+ Afriphile, runner + sporty spice.
-- Plants, mushrooms, bacteria, permaculture, tracking, yoga.
+ Low-impact living, closed loop systems, sustainability.
-- Fintech as a force for good -- enabling new modes of intentional, planet-friendly, respectful living.

A Cambrian explosion of platforms and services

With the right Fintech, we can hold/send/receive the funds that enable us to grow individually and collectively.

Get in touch

Open to partnerships, collaboration and ideas for improvement.

© Xylem Ventures 2022

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